> [!info]
> Input: [[Social Media Account|personal account]], [[Account's Identifier|internal identifier]]
> Output: [[Social Media Account|alternative accounts]], [[Personal Information (PI)|additional details]]
> Types: [[Technical Weakness|technical]]
> Weakness: [[SOWEL-1. Having and Filling Account]]
### Explanation
Internal identifiers of social media accounts can provide some valuable information, like Discord ids containing account registration date.
Also, big platforms such as Google and Yandex have internal IDS of accounts (opposed by public ones) allowing to find alternative accounts of a person in related or linked platforms or gather more details about account.
### Examples
- [Sector035 - Getting a Grasp on GoogleID’s](https://sector035.nl/articles/getting-a-grasp-on-google-ids) - basics of work with Google IDs
- [The importance of user ID’s in social media investigations](https://www.aware-online.com/en/importance-of-user-ids-in-social-media-investigations/)
- [Discord Snowflakes ID format](https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#snowflakes) - explanation of Discord IDs
### Tools
- [GHunt](https://github.com/mxrch/GHunt) - extracts information about Google account
- [YaSeeker](https://github.com/OSINT-mindset/YaSeekerUltra) - extracts information about Yandex ecosystem accounts by internal identifier
- [Discord Snowflake To Timestamp](https://snowsta.mp/) - extracts registration date from an ID of Discord account
- [socid-extractor](https://github.com/soxoj/socid-extractor) - extracts information from identifiers of some platforms
### See also
- {{internal links to similar techniques}}