### Explanation Nearly every region or country has its own unique digital ecosystem of information sources about people and organizations. This includes: 1. Government Databases: Official registries, public records, and administrative databases that contain citizen information 2. Local Social Networks: Region-specific social platforms that cater to local languages, cultures and communities 3. Business Registries: Databases containing information about companies, their employees, and corporate documents 4. Regional Web Services: Local alternatives to global platforms that have gained popularity in specific regions 5. Professional Networks: Country-specific professional networking and job sites These local sources exist due to several factors: - Government requirements for data localization and sovereignty - Business opportunities in serving region-specific needs - Cultural and linguistic preferences of local populations - Legal and regulatory frameworks specific to each jurisdiction The fragmentation of information across these local sources creates both challenges and opportunities for gathering information about individuals and organizations. ### Examples - [Exploring Social Media Usage by Country](https://www.mixbloom.com/resources/social-media-usage-by-country) - VK.com dominance in Russia as an alternative to Facebook - Weibo and WeChat as primary social platforms in China - XING's popularity in German-speaking countries - Local business registries like Companies House (UK) or EDGAR (US) ### Types - behavioural - business ### Typical techniques - [[SOTL-16.1. Get Accounts By Location]]