> [!info] > Input: [[Account's Identifier|any account identifier]] > Output: [[Social Media Account|social media account]], [[Personal Information (PI)|personal information]] > > Types: [[Technical Weakness|technical]] > Weakness: [[SOWEL-1. Having and Filling Account]] ### Explanation Do you remember ICQ? Allows to scrape a lot of accounts, index site and build custom search on gathered data. Also, allows to search for some random accounts with specific characteristics. ### Examples - [IDOR Vulnerability that exposed 17 Million user data (IDOR Diaries)](https://infosecwriteups.com/idor-vulnerability-that-exposed-17-million-user-data-idor-diaries-f0365ffe7a75) - enumeration of phone numbers allows to get personal information of many users ### Tools {{some links to tools}} ### See also - [[SOTL-1.4. Analyze Internal Identifiers]]